With such an array of highly effective features, OpusDomini is one such E-planner that will help you to effectively manage all your schedules and make it sure that you attain all your important stuffs and achieve every of your desired goals. you can set your agenda, material and preparation and your actual notes in Meeting Planner Section.
Meeting Planner : Easy to manage your Upcoming meetings and Appointments by just right clicking on your event and select meeting planner. Compass Section : With Compass Section of OpusDomini, user can easily add their activities in OpusDomini that will help improve yourself and become more productive each week. Multiple scheduling Views – You can also view your schedules in monthly or annual formats. Goals – The future goals of yours can also be tracked. OpiusDomini will be providing you daily weather reports so that you may take decisions depending upon the weather conditions outside your office or home. Weather Info – This is one unique feature that you won’t be finding in other e-planners. You will have the ability of configuring the notification alert. The app will provide you a weekly reminder of the work so that every week you keep in mind about your future prospects. Master Tasks – The tasks that are of a long run period can also be administered in Opus Domini. You will also have the ability of assigning graphs and pictures in your notes. Daily Records – Apart from assigning the important tasks, you will also have the ability of keeping notes on the right hand column of the planner. Maintaining the events is also simple as OpiusDomini has the built in Drag and Drop system by the help of which you can only select your events and drop it on the required dates, after that the app will take care of all. Daily Control – OpusDomini will help you to focus on you daily important tasks and make it sure that you complete all the significant ones in due course of time. It does not have a contact page and so you would not be able to store contacts or neither use it for any reference. One thing which lacks is the presence of a contact book. Opus domini app Pc#
Best Chrome Extensions for Blogging and Productivity | Best…Īnother brilliant feature of OpusDomini is the inbuilt weather tracker that tell you about the outside weather condition so that you can plan accordingly and take prior preparations for that and if the level of importance is not so high, then you may call it an off. I want án app that doés what GoBinderFranklin Covéy Tablet PIanner did báck in the dáy with inking functionaIity I see ápps with the functionaIity for iOS ánd Android, but whére is the TabIet PC love i0S has: Opus Dómini Opus One ór Awesome Note Andróid has Awesome Noté for the Noté 8 and Franklin Covey Plan Plus Note 10.1 for the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1.