in templates foulder you can find all html files, which are inherited from base.html.

The first one is Post and the scound one is comment. This application contains 2 models in modudels.py. It contains only one application, which is blog. This project is made with Django 1.11, which is a Web-framework of python, the project is a simple blog website. I conclude that, for now as said above, I completed a half in a perfect manner and the rest will also be completed by me as soon as possible. For this I am going to using an online platform named MIT App Inventor, originally by Google. I am yet on my way to reach my destination and I hope that I will definitely complete it. In future I have decided to develop the same into an IoT based prototype through which the user can view the recordings from anywhere. IN FUTURE : Now I am developing it into an application which can be installed in our mobile phones. So that the user gets to know that some thing is wrong over there. It works in such a way that when a bit larger movement is detected, it starts alarming until no movements were detected.
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CURRENT POSITION : Until now I have designed the code for a secure cam. I used open cv package to satisfy my requirements. PLATFORM : I decided to do it in Python, the most – popular, high – level, interpreted programming language and used a python compiler tool named P圜harm, by the Czech company JetBrains. So I declared to construct a security camera based program which was the foundation of my project. Not only rules and regulations but also the lack of security, awarness and alertness. REASON : The main reason for my project is almost all around the world there a lots and lots of crimes and those couldn’t be suppressed or punished and it is happening because of inaccurate rules and regulations. It has the potential to work both at day-time and at night-time eventually and effectively without getting tired or bored. Since no human beings can secure 24/7, security cameras helps us and ease the cost of the job. When we speak about safety, security cameras play a major role by acting as the witness for the innocent and the guilty to enforce the law. We tried to provide education, fun learning, being safe from covid-19 on one side and even benefits of covid-19 on the environment on the other side at once. The article states how the corona virus is helping the nature to heal itself. We have presented an Article on the impacts of covid-19 on our environment. Although Covid-19 is dangerous for humans but it has proved to be very beneficial for our mother Earth.

Many awareness videos are linked, health news and even a game related to covid-19 is added to the project for fun. To make the learning a bit interesting we have also added a colorful AR model of Corona Virus. A covid-19 risk assessment scanner and a corona helpline number for Indian patients. Our project provides the services such as -Covid-19 Tracking in which the user knows the total number of affected people, total deaths, due to Corona Virus and total number of people recovered.
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It displays different symptoms of the corona virus, how to be protected or live safely, etc. On the other hand, how to quit is simply by pressing the 'escape' key.ĬORX is an educative page which informs the user more about covid-19. However, if the time ends and the bad unicorn fails to collide with the other, symbolically, love wins over hate.If the player/s wish/es to play again, he/she can do so by simply making the characters move again by pressing the keys mentioned above. Once the bad unicorn collides with the good one, as indicated by a sound, it means game is over and unfortunately 'hate' wins. This is a 2-player game represented by 2 unicorns as my sprites, wherein 1 is considered a 'good' one(the normal-looking unicorn) and the other one (who is posed like scaring someone) is the bad character in our game.Basically the mechanics of the game is that the bad one would have to chase the good one around within the duration of 60 seconds(as shown on the upper left timer).How to move the sprites is by pressing the 'right', 'left', 'up', 'down' keys for the good unicorn, and the keys 'w', 'a', 's' and 'x' for the bad unicorn. Here are just some of the past few years’ final projects, randomly ordered!